Hyemin Shin

Ph.D. student

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Journal Articles ( ***** means co-first author)

2023 Bae, H., Shin, H., Ji, H. G., Kwon, J. S., Kim, H., & Hur, J. W. (2023). App-Based Interventions for Moderate to Severe Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA network open, 6(11), e2344120-e2344120.
2023 Lee, S. E., Shin, H., Kim, G., Moon, H., & Hur, J. W. (2023). Decreased gray matter volume in regions associated with affective pain processing in unmedicated individuals with nonsuicidal self-injury. Psychiatry Research, 115314.
2021 Hur, J. W., Shin, H., Jung, D., Lee, H. J., Lee, S., Kim, G. J., ... & Cho, C. H. (2021). Virtual reality–based psychotherapy in social anxiety disorder: fMRI study using a self-referential task. JMIR mental health, 8(4), e25731.
2020 Lee, S. E., Shin, H., & Hur, J. W. (2020). mHealth for Mental Health in the COVID-19 Era. Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39(4), 325-354.


2020 Hur, J. W, Shin, H., Choi, S., Kim, A., Lee, Y. (2020) Mind-growth program " Todac-Todac", a self-help group guidebook. National Center for Mental Health.


2024 Shin, H., Lee, J. (2024, February) The Effects of Social Cues and Sociality of Objects on Allocation of Covert Attention in Social Contexts in Virtual Reality. Talk presented at the Korean Society for Cognitive & Biological Psychology(KCPB).
2021 Shin H, Kim G, Moon H, Hur JW. (2021) Neural Correlates of Emotional Working Memory in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience 2021, the 50th Annual Meeting.
2021 Lee SE, Shin H, Kim G, Moon H, Hur JW. (2021) Subjective pain, emotion regulation function, and regional brain volume reduction in nonsuicidal self-injury. Poster presented at Society for Neuroscience 2021, the 50th Annual Meeting.
2020 Shin H, Kim G, Moon H, Hur JW. (2020) Neural Correlates of Emotional Working Memory in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury. Poster presented at The 23rd Annual Meting of the Korean Society for Brain and Neural Sciences.
2020 Moon H, Kim G, Shin H, Nam G, Hur JW. (2020) Altered Neural Activity during Emotion Perception in Nonsuicidal Self-Injury. Poster presented at Federal European Neuroscience Societies.
2019 Shin H, Nam G, Moon H, Kim G, Park D, Kim B, Hur JW. (2019) Resting-State Functional Connectivity Predicts Response to Mobile-app Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Major Depressive Disorder. Poster presented at the 9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies 2019 Berlin.
2019 Won H, Kim G, Shin H, Moon H, Nam G, Hur JW. (2019) Mobile delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Enhances Coupling between Higher Self-esteem and Lower Perceived Stress in Major Depressive Disorder. Poster presented at the 9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies 2019 Berlin.
2019 Kim G, Shin H, Nam G, Won H, Seo MJ, Hur JW. (2019) Psychometric Properties of the Korean version of the Emotion Reactivity Scale. Poster presented at the 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Clinical Psychology Association.
2019 Nam G, Moon H, Kim G, Shin H, Seo MJ, Lee JH, Hur JW. (2019) Body Matters: Prediction of Frequency and Versatility of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury, Suicidal Ideations and Suicidal Attempts related to Emotional Investment in Body. Poster presented at the 2019 Spring Conference of the Korean Clinical Psychology Association.
2018 Shin H, Nam G, Moon H, Kim G, Park D, Kim B, Hur JW. (2018) Altered Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Drug-Free Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the International Society for Affective Disorders.

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